Tag Archives: speaking skills

Public Speaking Tips: The Importance of Speaking Skills

The Importance of Speaking Skills

“While a picture may be worth a thousand words, those words will no doubt come in handy if the picture is distorted or poorly understood. After all, the best way to communicate is through speech.”


If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a Toastmasters club.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

The Importance of Speaking Skills
By Gerald Gillis

While a picture may be worth a thousand words, those words will no doubt come in handy if the picture is distorted or poorly understood. After all, the best way to communicate is through speech.

The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all interconnected. Proficiency in each skill is necessary to become a well-rounded communicator, but the ability to speak skillfully provides the speaker with several distinct advantages. The capacity to put words together in a meaningful way to reflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings provides the speaker with these important advantages:

Ability to inform, persuade, and direct. Business managers, educators, military leaders, lawyers, and politicians, among others, seek to develop their speaking skills to such a level that they are transformed into master communicators. Speaking clearly and confidently can gain the attention of an audience, providing the golden opportunity for the speaker to make the message known. Wise is the speaker who gains and then holds the attention of an audience, with well-chosen words in a well-delivered presentation, forming a message that is effective, informative, and understood.

Ability to stand out from the rest. When one thinks of speaking skills, one tends to think of it as a common skill. Think again. The ability to stand before others and speak effectively is not an ordinary skill. Many are deathly afraid of public speaking; others have little ability to form thoughts into sentences and then deliver those words in a believable way. The bad news is that at any given moment the world has precious few with the speaking skills of Winston Churchill; the good news is that a speaker with skills that are honed and developed with constant application and hard work can stand out.

Ability to benefit derivatively. Well-developed verbal skills can increase one’s negotiation skills. Self-confidence is improved. A growing sense of comfort comes from speaking in front of larger and larger audiences. A reputation for excellence in speaking skills can accrue over time, thereby imparting a certain credibility to the speaker.

Career enhancement. Employers have always valued the ability to speak well. It is, and always will be, an important skill, and well worth the effort in fully developing.

Speaking skills are important for career success, but certainly not limited to one’s professional aspirations. Speaking skills can enhance one’s personal life, thereby bringing about the well-roundedness we all should seek.

Gerald Gillis is the author of the award-winning historical novel “Shall Never See So Much.” Visit his website at http://www.geraldgillis.com and his blog at http://geraldgillis.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerald_Gillis


17 Effective Public Speaking Tips to Improve Your Speaking Skills

17 Effective Public Speaking Tips and Tricks
public speaking

When you think of impressive public speakers, they have their passion for their topic.

So the most important thing you can do is to get fired up about your topic. Find an angle that excites you, and the rest will come.

Here are the 17 Effective Public Speaking Tips that can help you get much better for your next presentation:

  1. Define Your End Goal
    The first thing to do when preparing a speech is to define your end goal. What do you want the audience to do after they leave the room? What information should they walk away with?
  2. Be a Giver, Not a Taker
    Once you’ve defined your end goal, build a presentation that offers real value to your audience, regardless of whether they pursue your product or service. Make any business pitches subtle and at the end of your presentation.
  3. Make Slides an Aid, Not a Crutch
    The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommends using keywords, instead of sentences or paragraphs on your slides. This helps your audience focus on your message.
    PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts
    Use legible type size.
    Be brief.
    Use key words to help audience focus on your message.
    Enhance readability.
    Make every word and image count.
    Limit the number of slides.
    Don’t overuse special effects.
    Don’t use more than eight words per line or eight lines per slide.
    Don’t use too many words or include non-essential information.
    Avoid hard-to-read color combinations.
  4. Practice (But Really, Practice)
    Maybe you’ve rehearsed your presentation by yourself, but haven’t run it by anyone else.
    Make sure you’re practicing your presentation in front of several groups of people.
    Ask for honest, critical feedback on the good, the bad, and the ugly of your presentation.
  5. Eat Well & Burn Cortisol
    Eating a protein-packed snack before a public speaking engagement boosts your energy, focus, and mood. Exercise one to three hours before you speak. You’ll feel less stressed and your audience will benefit from your focus.
  6. Meet Audience Members First
    It’s always a good idea to meet a few of your audience members before taking the stage.
    This is a great way to calm pre-presentation jitters.
  7. Give Yourself Time to Acclimate
    Many speakers begin talking immediately after being introduced or walking onstage. Instead, try approaching the stage in silence. This gives you time to gather your thoughts, take a deep breath, and get used to being in front of the audience.
  8. Don’t Open with an Excuse
    Don’t begin your presentation with an excuse. That makes the time about you, when it should be about your audience and how you can provide value to them.
  9. Be Conversational
    How do you make the most of that first few seconds of your presentation? First, be conversational. Use inflection in your voice and engage in natural, friendly body language.
  10. Rejoice in the First Mistake
    I wouldn’t recommend calling out the first mistake you make in front of your audience. Simply acknowledge your first mistake and view it as permission to relax and move on with your presentation.
  11. Tell Stories & Make It Personal
    Your audience is more likely to remember and share the stories you tell than the stats and figures you pack your slides with. Make your presentation personal, and remind them that you’re human.
  12. Channel Nervous Energy into Positive Energy
    If you’re not excited about your presentation, why would your audience be? One way to channel excitement into your public speaking is to transform nervous energy into positive energy.
  13. Speak Slowly & Pause Often
    Speaking slowly make it easier for your audience to understand. Routinely pause during your presentation can allow you to refocus and get attention from the audience.
  14. Repeat Audience Questions
    Try to repeat audience questions. It gives everyone a chance to hear what was asked. Repeating audience questions unsure that you’ve understood what the question is and give you an extra few moments to gather your thoughts.
  15. Reinforce Key Points
    Repeating key points at multiple times throughout your presentation helps your audience retain what’s most important.
  16. Use Video & GIFs Sparingly
    When appropriate, throw in a GIF or video. But make sure it aids in your storytelling, instead of distracting from it. A truly engaging public speaker will be able to present impactfully without gimmicks.
  17. Always End Early & Say Thanks
    Whether your audience gave you five minutes of their attention or an hour, end early and say, “Thank you.” Be respectful and always end early especially if you’re expecting a longer Q&A period.

Check here to download the shorter version of 17 Effective Public Speaking Tips and Tricks in pdf format for your easy reference.

Public speaking is an art, and one that can take years to perfect. Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.



2008 KSTMC Speaking Skills Workshop

Dear Club Members and Friends,

Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club successfully conducted the 2008 Speaking Skills Workshop.

I would like to congratulate Speaking Skills Participants for completing the Workshop.
They have worked hard to learn speaking skills, to prepare your speeches, and to overcome the fear of public speaking!

Every participant is now a member of Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club.
Enjoy your toastmaster’s journey!

I would like to thank Edward. He is the co-coordinator of this workshop. He did most of the hard work!  Also, I would like to thank our club members and other toastmasters who have helped us as facilitators or evaluators.

With your help, we successfully conducted this Workshop!

Click here to view photos taken at the last session of the workshop

Our next chapter meeting will be held on Tuesday, 27 May 2008 from 7:30 pm to 10pm.  Take note of the date and do make an effort to come.  We will be holding our AGM immediately after the meeting.  It is at the AGM that we will be electing office bearers for the new term.

See you at the next meeting.

Club President 2007-2008
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club
Please find the below message written by Edward to all workshop participants.

Dear Workshop Participants,

The evening of 15 May 2008 marked an important milestone in the history of Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club. We successfully completed the Speaking Skills Workshop with at least 7 happy participant-turned-members!

It has always been a great challenge in organizing a speaking skills workshop, given the need for so much manpower resources, planning and coordination. Against all odds, we went ahead. As it turned out, we were more than happy to see so many of you being able to make a marked improvement in speaking skills within such a short time. The sense of satisfaction, and the joy and pleasure thus derived, outweighed the agony and the hard work we put in, making the workshop a really meaningful task worthy of our efforts.

As we have emphasized time and again, completing the speaking skills workshop is just a baby step. It is only the end of the beginning. You need to stay in the journey continuing to practise, practise, and practise. Since you have started the journey, please continue.

The next club chapter meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27 May 2008 at 7.30 p.m. Silva and Gary will present their Ice Breaker and Be in Ernest speeches respectively. Hope to see you all that evening.

Attached are the group photos taken before the end of the last session on 15th May. Hope you will like them.

Best regards,

Edward Ma
Vice President of Education
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club


Youtube Video – Killer Presentation Skills

Youtube Video – Killer Presentation Skills by J. Douglas Jeffereys

This video shows you a few of the simple behaviors you need become both comfortable and effective at public speaking:

  •  physical skills – controlling anxiety
  •  why presentation fails
  • the power of the pause
  • body language
  • gestures
  • and more

I find this video useful and would like to share with you.  It does not mean myseIf or Kowloon-Singapore Toastmaster Club endorse the product as I haven’t tried it personally. Thanks!

Club President 2007-2008
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club


“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Website: http://public-speaking-singapore.com
Blog: https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com


Speaking Skills Workshop Update

“Speaking Skills Workshop Update”

All the places are filled. We have closed the registration for the Speaking Skills Workshop.

Thank you for your support!

You are welcome to visit our next normal chapter meeting which will be held on 26 April 2008.

It’s free of charge.

Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club
26 April 2008 (Sat)
Time: 2.30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: Kowloon Club Conference Room – 93 Toa Payoh Central, #05-02, Toa Payoh Central Community Building, Singapore 319194.

Club President 2007-2008
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club

“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Website: http://public-speaking-singapore.com
Blog: https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com


Speaking Skills Workshop

“Speaking Skills Workshop”

If you are one of the regular visitors of our blog, you should have by now known a bit more about public speaking and the Toastmasters movement. You may have already benefited from the free tips on speaking skills we provide in the blog here and there.

Do you feel the urge to try them out yet have the concern about not knowing how to start?

We have some good news for you – Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club is going to organize a Speaking Skills Workshop in April.

Course Dates: 17 April, 24 April, 8 May and 15 May 2008
Time:  7:30 pm – 10 pm
Venue: Kowloon Club, #05-02 Toa Payoh Central Community Building
Organizer: Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club
Fee: $110 for a 4-Day Course
Enquiry: Call Edward at 9173-7803

The workshop consists of 4 two-and-half-hour sessions spanning from April to May. During the workshop, you will learn some bolts and nuts of public speaking.

  • You will learn how to draft your speech like a pro.
  • You will learn how to answer in a professional way questions thrown to you by surprise.
  • You will learn how to evaluate a speech.

Above all, you will learn how to overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience.What’s more, you will get a bonus of Toastmasters International membership for 6 months which is worth US$47. No gimmick – This is the amount we have to remit to Toastmasters International World Headquarters in USA when you sign up for the course.

Remember, a person will not learn how to swim unless he plunges into the water. To overcome the fear of public speaking, you cannot just sit on the couch and hope that the skills you have learned from our website will somehow work one day!

Take action – Sign up for the speaking skills workshop NOW!!!

Update:  All the places are filled. We have closed the registration for the Speaking Skills Workshop. Thank you for your support.

Looking forward to meeting you at the first session of the workshop on 17th April.
Club President 2007-2008
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club

“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Website: http://public-speaking-singapore.com
Blog: https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com
