Tag Archives: Public Speaking Tips

Public Speaking Tips on Stop Worrying and Start Presenting

Public Speaking Tips & Presentation Techniques

Do you need to deliver a presentation soon? Are you getting nervous and don’t know where to start?

Stop Worrying and Start Presenting!  
The following video will show you some useful tips and techniques on how to prepare, what to expect, and dos and don’ts for giving a successful presentation.

Remember a presentation covers four areas:

1. Preparing your message

  • Cover what’s advertised
  • Make it relevant
  • Don’t commercialize
  • Clarify your message
  • Give examples
  • Tell a story
  • Organize your presentation

2. Prepare your visual content

  • One idea per slide
  • Use Images
  • 30pt. text minimum
  • Make graphs big and bold
  • Don’t read your slides
  • Know the length of your presentation, and the format, and leave 10 minutes for questions.

3. Preparing yourself

  • Practice, practice, and practice
  • Rest your voice and hydrate
  • Wear business professional clothing
  • Things to bring
  • Check your lighting, equipment & meet and greet beforehand

4. Delivery tips

  • Be yourself
  • Establish eye contact
  • State your purpose
  • Watch your body language
  • Show enthusiasm
  • Watch the time
  • Have fun

Now get to work and you can give a good presentation. Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. 


Youtube Video: 5 Useful Public Speaking Tips

5 Useful Public Speaking Tips by the Toastmasters International

public speaking“Check out five time-tested Toastmasters tips that will help you master a topic and present it well. Following these tips will ensure your next speech goes smoothly and your audience gets more from the experience.”

Here are the public speaking tips extracted from the video:

  1. Know your subject and your speech.
  2. Know your audience and your space.
  3. Never apologize.
  4. Imagine yourself giving a great speech.
  5. Focus on your message, not on you.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Public Speaking Tips for Students

Public Speaking Tips for Students and all…

public speaking fearA lot of students fear speaking in public. They are stressed by the idea of speaking in public. The good news is, there are some simple points you could do to relax your nerves just before a public speaking that will assist minimize the stress and develop your self-confidence.

1. Keep it Simple.  Use clear, straightforward language, and make sure your key points are concise.
2. Time your presentation.
3.  Practice with friends who know little about the subject.
4.  Make sure your vocal cords are working.
5.  Breathe. Public speaking experts all agree that breathing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relax your body.

For details about the article 6 Tips to Claim Your Public Speaking Jitters, click here.

Check out the below youtube video “Public Speaking – How To” which was created for a non-profit youth organization and targeted at helping high school students understand the importance of good speaking skills.

Be prepared, be confident, and be yourself when you speak.

Here is another video “Public Speaking Tips for College Students”.

Click here to check out Communication Skills Workshop by Kwong Yue Yang too. The workshop was conducted for secondary school students, I think you should get some really good public speaking tips from it.

Hope you enjoy watching the videos. Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


25 Public Speaking Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

25 Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

“Standing up in front of a roomful of people terrifies many people, even if those people are our own peers. 

public speaking fear

But resisting public speaking engagements can hold an entrepreneur back, since workshops, presentations, and pitches are the perfect way to network and land support for our efforts.”

Here are 25 great tips to help you improve your public speaking skills.
(Source: http://www.inc.com/drew-hendricks/25-tips-to-become-a-better-public-speaker.html)

1. Take a Course
2. Join a Group like a Toastmasters Club
3. Practice
4. Prepare
5. Research Your Audience
6. Use Tools
7. Know Your Environment
8. Get Experience
9. Watch Others
10. Start with a Bang
11. Put the Audience to Work
12. Encourage Questions
13. Focus on the Audience
14. Dress to Impress
15. Avoid Filler Words
16. Focus on Individuals
17. Walk
18. Breathe
19. Use Prompts
20. Partner Up
21. Record Yourself
22. Ask for Feedback
23. Bring the Right Tools
24. Practice Articulation
25. Finish with a Call to Action

Did you know that 54% of adults ranked the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death?
Check out the below “How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking” video for more information.

Since 1924 Toastmasters International has helped more than four million people gain the confidence to communicate.  Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your public speaking skills. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Public Speaking Tips : Public Speaking For Shy Or Private People

Public Speaking For Shy Or Private People

How shy or private people can learn to speak in public?
Simply join a Toastmaster Club to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

Check out the below article Public Speaking For Shy Or Private People written by Niamh Crowe.


Public Speaking For Shy Or Private People
 by Niamh Crowe

Learning public speaking is like learning to ride a bike. All you need is some initial courage and a sense of balance. Then you have to change gear as appropriate. Once you’ve progressed that far you simply learn when to put on the brakes. 

Most of us have suffered from listening to poor public speakers. We’ve squirmed as they’ve gone on endlessly saying the same thing in a dozen boring ways. Most of us too have admired brilliant speakers and wished we too could captivate an audience. At the very least most of us would like to express our views in public without losing our courage not to mention our voices. 

The thing most public speakers have in common is simply a fear of making fools of themselves. They may be college students who have to study rhetoric as part of their schooling. In adult life those who attend may be budding politicians, trade union activists or aspiring business people. There may also usually be a few shy singles and some married couples sharing a new experience in communications. However interesting the mix they don’t usually expect to start the class with breathing exercises.

Teachers will explain that these exercises will help pupils relax. The truth is that when you see others puffing and blowing you have to laugh. You simply can’t take yourself too seriously when you are bent double swinging your arms energetically. In the context of all this merriment it is usually a only a short matter of time before you all introduce yourselves and explain why you are taking public speaking classes.

Your first challenge is that you have to get used to speaking aloud. So many teachers provide poems and tongue twisters, even bits from the Bible for you to try. You may be asked to bring in your favourite book and read it to the class. You will discover that they quietest person in the class probably loves gruesome tales of the supernatural while the strongest looking footballer loves lyrical poetry. Once you have got used to the sound of your own voice you progress to speaking about everything under the face of the sun.

One week you may rivet your class with your speech about spies. The next week you will find yourself giving your views on the political system or the World Cup. A good teacher will help you to expand your mind and broaden your interests. You may find yourself in the public library swotting up on a totally new subject and actually enjoying it as you visualise yourself impressing your classmates. It doesn’t take long before you are hooked on the challenge of captivating your audience. It won’t matter to you whether they are classmates, members of the local chamber of commerce or even the world synod of bishops.

That’s fine when you can prepare your speech days in advance. Speaking off the cuff is a totally different but part of public speaking is teaching you to think on your feet. So try to imagine what you would say about forks, Santa or the sky at night without any time to prepare. A simple one-minute off the cuff talk can seem like endless torture. Eventually though you master the idea of making a riveting start, interesting context and a thought-provoking conclusion, even if you don’t know the first thing about the subject. You are on your way to being a competent public speaker. Obviously though you will speak with more passion and zeal when you are inspired by the topic. So if you love sport you will find that your sports speeches will have that extra something and that’s good.

All through your life this skill it will be an asset to you. You may have to speak on graduation day, at the office party, when your best friend celebrates his birthday or even at your daughter’s wedding. Your audience may be schoolmates, the local historical society, a computer convention or simply the parish youth committee.

You learn to use a microphone so that it doesn’t catch the knocking of your knees. You will have learnt how to emphasise a point, how to use notes, how to chair a meeting. You master nervous habits such as hand twisting or foot tapping. Most importantly, you learn to write to be said aloud rather than read. You will find yourself listening critically to other speakers whether they are on radio or television or in a local club. You will start saying to yourself, “he never mentioned X” or “He should have said something about Y”. You become, In fact, the original armchair critic. Above all though you will learn that public speaking is great fun.

Public speaking is a very personal thing. It gives you confidence and it makes you more articulate. It teaches you how to put your ideas in sequence. It also helps you to make new friends. Many public speakers join groups such as Toastmasters and make it a lifelong hobby. Others are simply satisfied to be able to give their viewpoint at a local meeting. If you are really lucky you might even find yourself being paid to lecture on a pet subject!

Being able to speak well in public helps your self-esteem. You may find you are welcomed to parties, invited to functions and it might even help you to impress your boss. Certainly it will expose you to lots of new ideas you hadn’t considered before. You might, like one speaker, learn to think of income tax as today’s equivalent to the tithes once paid to the church to support the poor. Now that’s what’s called a persuasive speech!
Public Speaking Tips For Shy Or Private People

How Shy or Private People can Learn to Speak in Public? Simply join a Toastmaster Club to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking. You are welcome to Visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

public speaking, public speaking tips, shy people, private people, Toastmasters

Some people of course are naturals and can address any audience anywhere with enthusiasm and ease. Most of us though consider public speaking as a fate worse than death, until we learn to master it. The problem then is that by then it will be like the weekly crossword, you’ll just have to keep at it until you get it right.

There is absolutely no feeling like that of holding an audience in the palm of your hand. So go on grab their attention, entertain and inform them and send them away with your words ringing in their ears.

Whether you call it oratory, rhetoric or public speaking it will enhance your life and help you to make lots of new friends. Like learning to ride a bike it is a skill, once learned, that you never forget. 

You may wobble a bit if you get out of practise but soon all the skills you have learnt will soon come back. Then you’ll be freewheeling all the way and your audience will be delighted to come along for the ride!

About The Author

Niamh Crowe is the CEO of the web’s leading speech site (http://www.speech-writers.com) according to Alexa.com and Ranking.com. Online since 1994, her site has thousands of speeches for every event and occasion including birthdays, weddings, graduations etc. She lives in Ireland where she is married to Fred. They have 5 children.

Niamh Crowe
Copyright Speechwriters 1994-2007
Tel. +353 1 8333599


Useful Public Speaking Tips from Brian Tracy

Here are Some Useful Public Speaking Tips from the well-known Speaker Brian Tracy.


 27 Useful Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking

  1. Get Organized
  2. Practice And Prepare Extensively
  3. Eliminate Fear Of Rejection
  4. Focus On Patterns
  5. Watch Yourself In The Mirror
  6. Record Yourself And Learn Your Voice
  7. Work On Your Breathing
  8. Practice Some More . . .
  9. Give Your Speech To Another Person
  10. Public Speaking Classes : A group such as Toastmasters is non-profit and helps people get over their fears by having them practice speaking on subjects over and over.
  11. Lightly Exercise Before Speaking
  12. PowerPoint Can Be Really Great, Or Really Bad
  13. Even Warren Buffett Had Public Speaking Anxiety At First
  14. Sip Water That’s Warm Or Room Temperature
  15. Read Eloquence In Public Speaking By Dr. Kenneth McFarland : the starting point of being an excellent speaker is for you to really care about your subject.
  16. Pick A Subject That You Really Care About
  17. Know 100 Words For Every Word That You Speak
  18. Focus On The Material, Not The Audience
  19. Relax
  20. Don’t Overthink Audience Reactions
  21. Avoid Talking Too Fast
  22. Make Your Nervous Energy Work For You
  23. Pay Any Price And Spend Any Amount Of Time To Speak Well
  24. Meditate 5 Minutes A Day
  25. Public speaking can be a great source of income
  26. Have Pride In Your Work & Recognize Your Success
  27. Develop A Plan To Improve Your Next Speech

3 Key Components to Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Pick a subject that you care about. Prepare and practice…

16 Tips to Create a Great PowerPoint Presentation

  1. Start With Your Audience
  2. Your Message Is Important
  3. Keep Your Slides Short And To The Point
  4. You Don’t HAVE To Use PowerPoint
  5. Use These PowerPoint Presentation Templates
  6. Use Pictures And Visuals When They Add To The Presentation
  7. Use Bullet Points Rather Than Paragraphs
  8. Don’t Read Your Slides Word For Word
  9. Use Easy To Read Text
  10. Bring Your Own Hardware
  11. Try To Keep It Under 20 Minutes
  12. Use Videos To Add Engagement
  13. Quality Over Quantity
  14. Practice, Practice, Practice
  15. Learn From The Best PowerPoint Presentations
  16. Make It Actionable

How to Outline Your Speech in 5 Minutes

This PREP formula is an extremely effective preparation technique that some of the best speakers in the world use all the time.
P:  Point of View
R: Reasons
E: Example
P: Point of View

15 Ways to Start a Speech or Presentation

4 Ways to End a Speech With a Bang

  1. End with a Call to Action
  2. Quick Summary
  3. Close with a story
  4. Be Inspirational

6 Vocal Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking

  1. Slow Down
  2. Build Vocal Power
  3. Record and Listen to Your Voice
  4. Record Phone Conversations
  5. Focus on Pauses
  6. Eat and Drink Well


Public Speaking Tip The Power of the Pause

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
