Category Archives: KUTMC

Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club

Define a HAPPY YOU – President’s Opening Address

President’s Opening Address for 28 Feb 2022 Chapter Meeting – Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club  (by Jun Allego)

Define a HAPPY YOU.

2 days ago I attended a networking session and among other things that were talked about were travelling, food and luxury gifts like watches and bags.

At the end of the session, I walked out feeling that those things can make anyone happy.

Kate, if just for once you can choose to travel anywhere you want without having to worry about time and money. Will that make you ecstatic?
Yetti, as a retiree, if for once you can have a food trail and try all the dishes from different parts of the world including the exotic ones, will that excite you?
Stella, if you are given a free pass and shop for any luxury items without having to worry about who pays the bill, would that mean the world to you?

Without a doubt, any of those can mean a ton of happiness to anyone. However, it’s only fleeting like a thief in the night. The feeling doesn’t last long.

Not to worry, I have an alternative or a proposal for you.

You see, I believe happiness is already inside you.
You don’t need to be anywhere else or have anything else to be happy. All you got to do is to master these 3 fundamental steps.

1. Be GRATEFUL – being grateful for what you have and what you don’t have can shift your emotional state in an instant. For example, if you start your day reminding yourself of the things you’re grateful for, you empower yourself to make everyday a wonderful day.

2. Appreciate – According to social media, we living in Singapore are one of the most depressed people. What I can say is that everywhere you go, you are bound to meet someone who is depressed. And one of the key contributing factors of what these people are going through is expectations. They’re expecting for everything to be right. They’re expecting for those around them to be perfect. As an alternative, you can start your day by looking for something to genuinely appreciate about the day or about someone and say it. Something like, Kate I really like you coming on time for our meeting. It speaks a lot about how much you respect our time.

3. Forgive – holding a grudge is like a rust on metal, slowly it will eat you away. Learn to forgive anyone who may have wronged you. You’ll never know, one day it will be you asking for it.

There you go, ladies and gentlemen. My alternative to HAPPINESS.
It doesn’t require you to be anywhere else or to have something else. And most importantly, we don’t have to break the bank just to be happy.
It only requires you to choose to be GRATEFUL, APPRECIATIVE AND FORGIVING.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


President’s Opening Address for 31 July 2021 Chapter Meeting

Club President’s Opening Address for 31 July 2021 Chapter Meeting  – Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club  (by Jun Allego)

guideFor almost 2 years, the world has battling one of the most devastating battles in our lifetime.

Lives lost
Families displaced
Leaders being put to test

Many are distraught, disabled, and distressed.

Despite all these, there is a growing number of individuals who are rising to the occasion.

Helping the helpless
Giving hope to the hopeless
Serving as the light in the darkness

Good afternoon district officers and fellow toastmasters!
I’m certain that like me, you all want to be part of the solution and among those individuals who are rising to the occasion.

And I have 3 suggestions on how to be part of the rising stars.

1. Listen
On many occasions, people around us don’t need us to solve their problems or expect us to be Mr or Ms CSI.
They just need someone to listen without any judgment or any pre-conceived opinion.
Put your phone down and just listen and you’ll be surprised of what happens after.

2. Give
Giving is the highest form of living according to John Maxwell.
You might be thinking I’m going nuts for asking you to give when you are having troubles getting for yourself.
You may have not noticed it but we have plenty to give and it doesn’t cost a dollar.

Time – volunteer your time to those who need it more such as a meaningful cause.
Respect – you may have a friend or a colleague who just lost his job or have someone who got Covid. Instead of expecting him to function as who he is to us, allow him the space to get through it until he recovers.
Care – go the extra mile and show those around you that you care. This can be done by doing the little things such as asking them how are they doing these days.

3. Let go
We live in a very noisy world and it often inundates us.

The office politics
The drama in the family
The latest trend or hype on social media

Most of these are just distractions that create the infamous fear of missing out!

You don’t have to be part of the discussion whether Joseph Schooling’s Olympic glory days are over.
And the best way to deal with any of these distractions is to acknowledge it and allow it to happen without doing anything.

Fellow Toastmasters, listen with your undivided attention. Give more than what you expect to receive or even better don’t expect anything in return.
And let go and focus only on the things that truly matters. Things that bring profound impact to yourself or others.

Thank you

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


President’s Opening Address for 26 June 2021 Chapter Meeting

Club President’s Opening Address 26 June 2021 – Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club  (by Jun Allego)

What To WriteI have a confession to make.
Recently, my life has been the stark contrast of how I want it to be. To put it simply, it’s the new normal.

In the past, I plan my days and weeks around my work. These days, I plan around my daughter.
In the past, I plan my opening speeches. These days, I plan my alibis to my daughter to join our meetings.
In the past, I plan my time to get up. These days, my daughter decides when it’s time to get up.

My life has never been the same!
I thought that I’m not in control anymore and that I should take action sooner than later.
There is this inner battle of thoughts like a tennis match and it’s growing louder and louder.
Some days started to feel good and some days doesn’t. In my life predictability and flexibility became things in the past.

Rather than allowing myself to feel overwhelmed and helpless like a baby, I took a step back to reflect.
In the process of reflecting, I learnt from those around me some best practices in dealing with the changes constructively.

Accepted the change

Instead of fighting the change head on, I learnt that I would fare better to accept it. Accepting that this is going to be another chapter of life. And If I were to keep growing, I have to embrace the new challenges that came with it. Acceptance gave me a better frame of mind to deal with my daily affairs around my daughter.

Adapted to the change

When my mind is right, I was in a better position to carry on and that was when I adapted to the change. Adapting allowed me to unravel obvious possibilities and green opportunities. I discovered working out in a nearby park to be far more time effective compared to going to the gym. I found cycling as an appealing alternative to running. I experienced more joy in the little things with my daughter such as seeing her grow everyday and sending her to school. Adapting to these changes have brought more colours to my life on a canvas.

Appreciated the change

Organising myself in the mids of chaos led me to a new found routine such as my baby like and more predictable sleeping pattern. My meetings at work are now plotted precisely, my meal times aren’t as erratic as it used to be and I’m exercising regularly.

These changes that I used to fight have given me a new lifestyle that is more organised and even more methodical.
These changes have allowed me to find joy in the little things that didn’t seem to matter before.
These changes have made me a new me.

Ladies and gentlemen, we all go through different changes in our life. Some are daunting and some are less exciting.
It’s okay if things doesn’t seem to be what we expect them to be.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and immobilised.
It’s okay to start something new, a new routine, a new habit and a new perspective.

And you too can fare well if you choose to ACCEPT, ADAPT AND APPRECIATE.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Frequently Asked Questions about Toastmasters

FAQ about Toastmasters

Have you ever wondered what happens at a Toastmasters club? Watch this video to find out, and share it with any of your friends, family or colleagues interested in improving their speaking and leadership skills.

The following are some of the FAQ about Toastmasters:

What is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters is an international, non-profit making organization formed to help people improve their communication and leadership skills.

Why do people join Toastmasters?

The most common reason given for joining Toastmasters is to conquer shyness, stage fright or fear of public speaking.

How much is the cost to join Toastmasters?

Very affordable – the cost for joining a Toastmasters club for 1 year is less than a 1-hour spa treatment in Singapore.

What kind of training do I receive in Toastmasters?

Toastmasters progress at their own pace through a professionally prepared program with a lot of hands-on experience. Educational manuals are designed to offer a step-by-step approach to speech organization and presentation.

How does Toastmasters help in my career advancement?

Research shows that people who can express themselves effectively advance further and faster in their career than those who have difficulty speaking. Toastmasters provides the tools you can use to improve your performance in a variety of situations.

What does Toastmasters membership offer?

* Unlimited opportunities for personal growth and career advancement based on improved abilities and broadened experience.

* Experience in leadership development through specific training and involvement in club administration and management.

* Build-up of self-confidence and self-esteem through the ability to conquer the fear of public speaking.

* Opportunity to develop a better understanding of human relations.

* Automatic subscription to “Toastmasters”, the monthly magazine with a wealth of knowledge about public speaking, to be sent to each paying member free of charge.


What activities are included in a Toastmasters meeting?

A typical Toastmasters meeting includes the following segments:

– Prepared speeches: Speakers will present their prepared speeches in accordance with the educational manuals designed by Toastmasters International. Usually, the time allowed for the speeches are of 5 to 7 minutes.

– Evaluation: Feedback will be given on the prepared speeches presented by the speakers to highlight to them their strengths and areas for improvement.

– Table Topics: This is the time to practise impromptu speaking, i.e. thinking on your feet without preparation.

– Ah Counter’s Report: Toastmasters is not just about speaking. It is also about listening. An “Ah Counter” is appointed at every meeting to pick up pause fillers such as “um”, “er”, “you know”, etc. uttered by the participants during the meeting.

Language Evaluation: The “Language Evaluator” or “Grammarian” listens carefully and highlights to the audience the strengths and areas for improvement of the language used by the speech presenters.

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


KUTMC Free Talks – 29 Nov 2014


Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club (KUTMC) Free Talks

Date: 29 November 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Venue: Kampong Ubi CC, 10 Jalan Ubi, Singapore 409075

Effective Use of Language
A practical guide in brief to the three common areas for improvement in spoken English
Joyce Vargese

The Art of Mentoring
Answering questions of who, what and how to effective mentorship.
Jun Allego

For more info, click the brochure link at KUTMC-FreeTalks29Nov2014.pdf

UPDATE:  Click here to view the photos taken at the event.

