Tag Archives: youtube video

Presentation Tips on How To Introduce Yourself

How To Introduce Yourself in 3 Easy Steps…

powerful-communicationsHave you wondered how to introduce yourself properly to others during a social gathering or even in a presentation?

The following youtube video will show you an example of giving a self-introduction using an elevator pitch in 3 simple steps.

Try out the three steps described in the video to introduce yourself:

Step 1:  Introduce your name and your company very briefly.

Step 2:  Talk about your specialty or the value that you provide.

Step 3:  Talk about the worst-case scenario that you could encounter that you could help them too.

You can find more tips on self-introduction at the webpage Introduce Yourself.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Youtube Videos on Tips for Impromptu Speaking

Tips for Impromptu Speaking by Toastmasters International

speaking tipsHave you ever attended a meeting or event where you were asked to fill in or take the place of another speaker? The following youtube video will help you whenever you are put on the spot to speak.

In the video, the speaker explains two simple techniques for handling impromptu speaking.

1.  PREP which stands for Point Reason Example Point.
Prep is an excellent fit for business meetings, conference calls, and even interviews.

2. Pros and Cons or Positive and Negative Method
Pros vs cons work well in business meetings, conference calls, and everyday settings.

Here is another video about Impromptu Speaking.

Also, check out our previous post on How to Get Thoughts in an Impromptu Speech” and Six Minutes Blog post on “How to Ace the Impromptu Speech”.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Youtube Video: How to Start a Presentation

How to Start a Presentation?

public speaking

Learn how you can start a presentation and get the audience’s attention and curiosity so as to make a great impression and engage your audience.

Learn 3 sentences to help you start a presentation.

The 3 sentences to help you start a presentation stated in the video are:

1.  What do you think of when you see/hear…?
2.  That’s exactly what most people would think.
3.  What I think is…

Check out our previous postings on How to Engage Your Audience and Public Speaking Tips on How to Start Your Presentation too.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


How To Improve Public Speaking Skills & Confidence?

Presenting & Public Speaking Tips on How To Improve Speaking Skills & Confidence

Check out this video for tips on how to improve your Presentation & Public Speaking Skills and Confidence.

Here are the Top 10 Tips to Becoming a Better Presenter mentioned in the video:

  1. Focus on the audience.
  2. Delete all the excess text from your slides.
  3. Keep it simple!
  4. Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse.
  5. Make friend s with people.
  6. Dress to impress.
  7. Be comfortable.
  8. Stand still.
  9. Tell a story.
  10. Be enthusiastic.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


How to Get Thoughts in an Impromptu Speech?

Impromptu speaking is a speech that a person delivers without preparation. How to Get Thoughts in an Impromptu Speech?

Learn how to organize your thoughts in order to give an impromptu speech and do it well with expert tips in this free public speaking video.

Lack of confidence when asked to speak with little time to prepare? Learn how to be spot-on when you’re put on the spot.

3 Powerful Impromptu Speaking Tips

  1.  Stick to the Truth.
  2.  Share from personal experience.
  3.  Practice out loud.

Impromptu Speaking Techniques: How to Speak Without any Preparation! (3 Keys)

Here are some keys to your impromptu speaking success:
1. Less is More
2. Ask Questions
3. Make it Personal
And then the three mindsets discussed going in are:
1. Stay centered no matter what
2. I am going to enjoying this
3. I can’t lose!

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Public Speaking Tips on Visualizing Success

Public Speaking Tips on Visualizing Success

good presentationsFear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears of people all over the world. Visualize success before giving a speech with tips from a communications specialist in this free public speaking video.

The Proven Strategy of Visualizing Success for Managing Fear of Public Speaking

Visualize yourself delivering a great presentation. Think of every detail.

  • Visualize yourself walking up before your group standing tall, walking deliberately and looking confident.
  • Visualize yourself looking at the audience, taking a pause for a full breath.
  • Visualize yourself delivering a strong and confident introduction of yourself and topic.
  • Visualize yourself delivering your information with fluency and engaging intonation patterns.
  • Visualize the audience enjoying your presentation. See the interest and enjoyment in their faces.
  • Visualize answering questions with confidence.
  • Visualize a strong closing.
  • Visualize applause.
  • Visualize people or your boss approaching you and saying how well the presentation went.
  • Visualize yourself looking pleased and proud of your delivery.

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
