Tag Archives: public speaking tips for students

Public Speaking Tips for Students

Public Speaking Tips for Students and all…

public speaking fearA lot of students fear speaking in public. They are stressed by the idea of speaking in public. The good news is, there are some simple points you could do to relax your nerves just before a public speaking that will assist minimize the stress and develop your self-confidence.

1. Keep it Simple.  Use clear, straightforward language, and make sure your key points are concise.
2. Time your presentation.
3.  Practice with friends who know little about the subject.
4.  Make sure your vocal cords are working.
5.  Breathe. Public speaking experts all agree that breathing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relax your body.

For details about the article 6 Tips to Claim Your Public Speaking Jitters, click here.

Check out the below youtube video “Public Speaking – How To” which was created for a non-profit youth organization and targeted at helping high school students understand the importance of good speaking skills.

Be prepared, be confident, and be yourself when you speak.

Here is another video “Public Speaking Tips for College Students”.

Click here to check out Communication Skills Workshop by Kwong Yue Yang too. The workshop was conducted for secondary school students, I think you should get some really good public speaking tips from it.

Hope you enjoy watching the videos. Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
