Tag Archives: public speaking video

How to Get Thoughts in an Impromptu Speech?

Impromptu speaking is a speech that a person delivers without preparation. How to Get Thoughts in an Impromptu Speech?

Learn how to organize your thoughts in order to give an impromptu speech and do it well with expert tips in this free public speaking video.

Lack of confidence when asked to speak with little time to prepare? Learn how to be spot-on when you’re put on the spot.

3 Powerful Impromptu Speaking Tips

  1.  Stick to the Truth.
  2.  Share from personal experience.
  3.  Practice out loud.

Impromptu Speaking Techniques: How to Speak Without any Preparation! (3 Keys)

Here are some keys to your impromptu speaking success:
1. Less is More
2. Ask Questions
3. Make it Personal
And then the three mindsets discussed going in are:
1. Stay centered no matter what
2. I am going to enjoying this
3. I can’t lose!

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
