Tag Archives: Ng Seng Chuan

Updated Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches

Updated Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches

Here are some good public speaking resources:
“If you are not a Toastmaster, consider this an introductory public speaking course.”
“If you are a Toastmaster, this is your guide through the first ten speeches. For each speech project, we’ll look at tips, techniques, and wherever possible, written and video examples of speeches which demonstrate the goals.”

Toastmasters – Ten Speeches (at Ratana Ong’s Blog)
Here you’ll find the objectives for all 10 basic speeches and sample videos from toastmasters doing their speeches.

Andrew Dlugan’s “Six Minutes – A Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog” has a Toastmasters Speech Series.

In addition, here are some other public speaking resources for your reference:

Project 1 – The Ice Breaker Manual Guide
Project 9 – Persuade with Power Manual Guide
By DTM Kan Kin Fung, Division U Head Speech Coach 2005-2006

Competent Leadership Tracking Table

Setting Up A Speech Databank  (The Real Secret to Creative Speech Ideas!)
By ATMG Ng Seng Chuan

How to Do Project Evaluations?
Evaluations – Preparing and Delivering Effective Speech Evaluations
By Kim Chamberlain, 2002 District 72 Evaluation Champion

How Toastmasters Change Lives
By DTM Nathaniel Koh, Division S Governor 2006-2007

Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club
(Formerly Known As Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club)
Past Club President
District 80 Treasurer 2009-2010


Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches

“Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches”

I have found a good public speaking resource.

“If you are not a Toastmaster, consider this an introductory public speaking course.”

“If you are a Toastmaster
, this is your guide through the first ten speeches. For each speech project, we’ll look at tips, techniques, and wherever possible, written and video examples of speeches which demonstrate the goals.”

Andrew Dlugan’s “Six Minutes – A Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog” has a Toastmasters Speech Series.

By the way, I have found the Six Minutes Blog through Aileen’s personal blog.
Aileen is a new member of our toastmasters club.

In addition, here are some other public speaking resources for your reference:

Project 1 – The Ice Breaker Manual Guide
Project 9 – Persuade with Power Manual Guide
By DTM Kan Kin Fung, Division U Head Speech Coach 2005-2006 


How Toastmasters Change Lives
By DTM Nathaniel Koh, Division S Governor 2006-2007


Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking.

You’re welcome to visit our Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club (KSTMC) if you are living in Singapore.


Immediate Past Club President
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club

“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Website: http://public-speaking-singapore.com
Blog: https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com

