The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs will change the way you give presentations.
Here are some points extracted from the video:
- Set the theme
- Make your theme clear and consistent
- Create a headline that sets the direction for the meeting
- Provide the outline
- Open and close each section with a clear transition
- Make it easy for your listeners to follow your story
- Demonstrate enthusiasm e.g. extraordinary, amazing, cool, incredible, unbelievable, awesome
- Wow your audience
- Sell an experience
- Make numbers and statistics meaningful
- Analogies help connect the dots for your audience
- Make it visual
- Point a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm
- Give ’em a show
- Identify your memorable moment and build up to it
- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
- Spend the time to rehearse
- One more thing…
- Give your audience an added bonus to walk away with
11 Presentation Lessons You Can Still Learn From Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was an astonishing presenter because he informed, inspired, and entertained. Here are some of his presentation techniques:
- Express your passion.
- Create a Twitter-friendly headline.
- Stick to the rule of three.
- Introduce a villain.
- Sell the benefit.
- Build simple, visual slides.
- Tell stories.
- Prepare and practice excessively.
- Avoid reading from notes.
- Have fun.
- Inspire your audience.
If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a Toastmasters club. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.