Tag Archives: expectations

Opening Address – Your Expectations on Joining Toastmasters

Good evening! Fellow Toastmasters and Friends!
Welcome to our chapter meeting!

Let me ask you a question.
What are your dreams? Your Big Dreams?

To Earn More, Work Less and Enjoy Life!
To be famous!
To save the world!

Whatever your dreams may be, I think you do have a desire to be a better speaker.
 That’s why we are here tonight to practise our public speaking skills. Right?

Ask yourself why you join toastmasters.

To overcome your fear of public speaking?
To speak well at work for better chance of advancement in your career?
To make more friends?
Or just to be a better speaker.

To what extent would you like to your achievements in toastmasters?

Do you still remember the time when you did your Project 1 Ice Breaker?
How much have your speaking skills improved?

Do you want to win the next speech contest?
How would you like to be a professional speaker and get paid to speak?

It is not a dream! It is achievable!
I know some toastmasters can achieve their dreams as professional speakers or trainers.

The key is that you need to have a target. You need to take action. You need to work hard!

Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking.

On your way home, think about your expectations on joining toastmasters.
Then take the next step to being a better speaker!

If you are not a toastmaster yet, I would like to show you a video “Welcome to Toastmasters!”

Let us experience Eduardo’s story. Watch how he evolves from nervous novice to dynamic presenter with the help of some friends in Toastmasters. Discover how the Toastmasters Program can help everyone to become better communicators.

Next time, please bring your friends or colleagues to visit your next chapter meeting.
Then, they have a chance to learn how they can be benefited from the Toastmasters Program!

Club President 2007-2008

Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club

“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Blog:  https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com
