Common Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes

Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Speakers Should Avoid…

Fear of public speaking

How come sometimes intelligent, business-savvy top executives end up boring their audiences? It is because they fail to recognize that public speaking is an acquired skill. But giving a short presentation before the right group of people may do more good for your career than spending a year behind a desk.

Here are the 10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes as mentioned in an article in the Toastmaster magazine written by Rob Sherman:

  1. Starting with a whimper.
  2. Attempting to imitate other speakers.
  3. Failing to “work” the room.
  4. Failing to use relaxation techniques.
  5. Reading a speech word for word.
  6. Using someone else’s stories.
  7. Speaking without passion.
  8. Ending a speech with questions and answers.
  9. Failing to prepare.
  10. Failing to recognize that speaking is an acquired skill.

For details, please click here.

The following is a video about the Biggest Mistakes Public Speakers Make! 

Here are the
Quick Do’s and Don’ts of Public Speaking as mentioned in the above video:

  • Remember to always be yourself.
  • Be polished and well-rehearsed.
  • Don’t use slides with too much information
  • Say something that they haven’t heard before.

Do you suffer from the fear of public speaking? Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. Join a toastmaster club and learn how to speak in public.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you live in Singapore.
