KUTMC Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests 2013

Dear all,

I am very honored and thankful to be your contest chair for this event.

Congratulations to winners:

Humorous Speech Contest
(no time disqualification)
Champion: Jun Allego
1st Runner-up: Survana Latha
2nd Runner-up: Valentin Laiseca

Evaluation Contest
(no time disqualification)
Champion: Jun Allego
1st Runner up: Valentin Laiseca
2nd Runner up: Survana Latha

Kudos to ALL the contestants who participated in both humorous speech contests yesterday. You have inspired us with your bravery and your passion to be better public speakers.

Our Champ – Jun & 1st Runners-up – Latha and Valentin, will represent KUTMC, at the Area U4 Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests, to be held on Sat, 21, in Kampong Ubi CC. Please attend the contests & support our champions!

Thank you for our awesome and supportive club advisers.

Thank you very much to all of you who attended this event, those who brought your friends and to all appointment holders. This event won’t be possible without you.


See you soon.


Yours truly,
On Behalf of the Contest Committee and KUTMC ExCo
Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club
“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Public Speaking Singapore
Public Speaking in Singapore Blog
