President’s Opening Address for 31 July 2021 Chapter Meeting

Club President’s Opening Address for 31 July 2021 Chapter Meeting  – Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club  (by Jun Allego)

guideFor almost 2 years, the world has battling one of the most devastating battles in our lifetime.

Lives lost
Families displaced
Leaders being put to test

Many are distraught, disabled, and distressed.

Despite all these, there is a growing number of individuals who are rising to the occasion.

Helping the helpless
Giving hope to the hopeless
Serving as the light in the darkness

Good afternoon district officers and fellow toastmasters!
I’m certain that like me, you all want to be part of the solution and among those individuals who are rising to the occasion.

And I have 3 suggestions on how to be part of the rising stars.

1. Listen
On many occasions, people around us don’t need us to solve their problems or expect us to be Mr or Ms CSI.
They just need someone to listen without any judgment or any pre-conceived opinion.
Put your phone down and just listen and you’ll be surprised of what happens after.

2. Give
Giving is the highest form of living according to John Maxwell.
You might be thinking I’m going nuts for asking you to give when you are having troubles getting for yourself.
You may have not noticed it but we have plenty to give and it doesn’t cost a dollar.

Time – volunteer your time to those who need it more such as a meaningful cause.
Respect – you may have a friend or a colleague who just lost his job or have someone who got Covid. Instead of expecting him to function as who he is to us, allow him the space to get through it until he recovers.
Care – go the extra mile and show those around you that you care. This can be done by doing the little things such as asking them how are they doing these days.

3. Let go
We live in a very noisy world and it often inundates us.

The office politics
The drama in the family
The latest trend or hype on social media

Most of these are just distractions that create the infamous fear of missing out!

You don’t have to be part of the discussion whether Joseph Schooling’s Olympic glory days are over.
And the best way to deal with any of these distractions is to acknowledge it and allow it to happen without doing anything.

Fellow Toastmasters, listen with your undivided attention. Give more than what you expect to receive or even better don’t expect anything in return.
And let go and focus only on the things that truly matters. Things that bring profound impact to yourself or others.

Thank you

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
