Tag Archives: technical presentations

Effective Technical Presentations

“Effective Technical Presentations”

How to do effective technical presentations?

“Most presenters are very knowledgeable in their field of expertise and can converse well within the framework of the company or industry.

Fear of public speaking

However, they may be reluctant to and/or are uncomfortable with giving presentations in front of an audience.  Others may be comfortable in giving presentations, but they want to refine and improve their presentation skills so they can be more effective and/or persuasive.

The following article “Effective Presentations For Technical Professionals” written by Frank S. Adamo is for technical (and non technical) professionals who would like to understand how to become effective presenters.”


Practice is the key to helping you improve on your communication and presentation skills. Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Effective Presentations For Technical Professionals
By Frank S. Adamo

Though visual aids have changed tremendously since the late ’60s when I gave my first presentation, the presentation style, in my opinion, has not significantly changed – especially for professional techies. As a chemist and as a business/computer consultant for many years, I have given and have seen many technical presentations at conferences, at work, and elsewhere. The presentations were generally quite informative, technically enriching, and the presenters were very knowledgeable on the subject matter. However, many of them (and I include my own), were rather unexciting and ineffective. I have also seen many exciting, motivational, and inspirational presentations for the general public and also for the technical audience. You don’t need to be a professional speaker to spice up your presentation but by both knowing and understanding some of the same principles professional speakers use, you can enhance your presentations.


If you are doing a presentation, most likely you’ve written a report or submitted an article for publication. Perhaps you have used the text for your speech and created PowerPoint slides to help outline the structure. However, I would suggest you write your speech from scratch with emphasis on simplicity and conciseness. Continue reading


How to Give a Good Technical Presentation?

How To Deliver a Technical Briefing?

“Giving technical presentations is a fact of life for many of us. Delivery is difficult. Putting your message across is important to you and your work. Here are several important issues you should keep in mind when you give a technical presentation.”

Remember the following 5 basic techniques:
1. Keep in Simple
2. The 18 Minute Wall
3. Regain Attention
4. Anecdotes
5. Plan

Your point of view has to be valid, important and push for action. Be interesting!

For more info, check out the below YouTube video. 


“You’re giving a speech and it’s about your ideas. Whether the ideas are technical or financial or theoretical, that doesn’t matter. The challenge is still the same. How can you get your audience to understand, one idea at a time, and to remember, one idea at a time.”

For more details, check out the below YouTube video on How to Give a Technical Speech.


The next video shows the basic concepts on making a technical presentation, including:

  • Organization and presentation of material
  • Technical Content/Depth
  • Communication and speaking ability of presenter
  • Professionalism of view graphs and presentation
  • Ability to answer questions


“A technical briefing is a speech that conveys technical information to a specific audience, usually in a workplace.

Technical briefings should be presented in a way that allows an audience to understand and apply critical information. Technical briefings can range from an engineer briefing a group of managers on a current project, to a retail supervisor explaining a new company policy to the store employees. Follow the steps below to ensure your technical briefings are as effective as they can be:

  • Know your audience. Avoid using too much industry jargon or material that is too technical for your colleagues to easily understand.
  • State the purpose of the technical briefing in one or two sentences and use this summary as the focal point for the entire presentation.
  • Arrange the material into an outline containing an introduction, main points and a conclusion.
  • Summarize the main points of the technical briefing during the conclusion.”

Source: http://www.toastmasters.org/Resources/Public-Speaking-Tips/Delivering-Technical-Briefings

Practice is the key to helping you improve on your communication and presentation skills. Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
