Tag Archives: presentation tips

Presentation Tips on How To Introduce Yourself

How To Introduce Yourself in 3 Easy Steps…

powerful-communicationsHave you wondered how to introduce yourself properly to others during a social gathering or even in a presentation?

The following youtube video will show you an example of giving a self-introduction using an elevator pitch in 3 simple steps.

Try out the three steps described in the video to introduce yourself:

Step 1:  Introduce your name and your company very briefly.

Step 2:  Talk about your specialty or the value that you provide.

Step 3:  Talk about the worst-case scenario that you could encounter that you could help them too.

You can find more tips on self-introduction at the webpage Introduce Yourself.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Public Speaking Tips on Hand Gestures & Body Language

Public Speaking Tips on Hand Gestures

Wonder what to with your hands when you’re giving a presentation?

public speaking hand gesturesSteve Bavister, who is a trainer with communication skills company Speak First. Steve demonstrates the best (and worst!) options for holding your hands and gesturing so that you look confident and professional and get your message across clearly.

Youtube Video: What to do with your hands when you’re presenting!

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

4 Essential Body Language Tips from a World Champion Public Speaker

A great presentation takes more than smart preparation and execution of verbal skills. Body language is just as important, and the 2014 Toastmasters International world champion of public speaking Dananjaya Hettiarachchi reveals his four best tips.

Gestures and Body Language

If not used properly, gestures and body language can be distracting and detract from the message of your speech. Learn to hone your speaking skills by channeling nervous energy into purposeful movement.


Effective Business Presentation Tips

“Effective Business Presentation Tips”

speaking tips

Here are some tips to do an effective business presentation as stated in the article “The Art of Making Business Presentation written by Rupal Jain:

1. Decide your Goal and Topic of Presentation

2. Analyze the Audiences

3. Decide the Form of Presentation

4. Identify the Audio-Visual Aid required

5. Know the Venue and the Equipment

6. Rehearse the Presentation

7. Avoid Information Overloading

8. Effective Body Language

9. Preparation of Handouts and Assessment Form

10. Be a Good Active Listener

Check out the full article as below.

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

The Art Of Making Business Presentation
By Rupal Jain

As rightly stated by M.K. Sehgal and Vandana Khetarpal in Business Communication, “While it is one of the easiest things in the world for some people to stand in front of a group of people and to talk, there are many who look scared and ready to rush for a cover at the sight of an audience. The difference in the categories may arise, not from the difference in their knowledge content but from the difference in their Attitude. Even an experienced speaker in the beginning of his speaking career, might have faced the problem of “nervousness”, “butterflies in the stomach”, “increased heartbeats”, “shaking legs”, “shaking voice” and “forgetfulness” which are most obvious signs of nervousness which badly affects the Business Presentation. A Presentation is delivery to a small knowledgeable audience with a concrete, clear and preciously defined purpose.

Here are some guidelines to do a successful Presentation:- Continue reading


Presentations – How To Give Good Presentations

“Presentations – How To Give Good Presentations”

good presentations


This video produced by Mohawk College describes some quick pointers on how to give good presentations.

Here is the transcript of the video.

I’m Dennis Angle I’m a professor of Mohawk College and this presentation is about presentations. Presentations, we have students to do it all the time. Presentations are in business, in school and in everyday life.

Two reasons we want to do a presentation. We want to inform somebody, and we want to convince somebody to do something. Practice, practice your presentation. Practice, practice, practice and practice again. It shows when you practice your presentation and it really shows when you don’t.

Practice in front of a mirror. Practice in front of your friends. Practice in front of your relatives. Practice in front of a big empty room or practice in front of a camera. You will become smooth.

Use PowerPoints as a guide and a menu. Just put your main points on the PowerPoint. Put them there so people can remember. Put them there so you can remember what your main points are. Don’t put stuff that anyone can read and don’t read your PowerPoint slide. Everybody can read it they don’t need you to talk about it. Just put the main points on your PowerPoint.

Technology is okay.  But your presentation should be about the presentation and is not about the technology. Make sure you practice. Make sure you know what you’re doing. Make sure the technology you’re using is the same that you’re actually going to encounter in your presentation. Try and practice on the actual equipment.

Everybody gets nervous. Some people say try to picture everybody in their underwear. I tried that once. Tattoos, scars, birthmarks… It wasn’t pretty. I was still nervous.

My advice
Practice, practice and more practice and that will take away the nervousness. Know what you’re going to say. Know what you’re going to present. That should be all there is to it.

When you’re presenting, keep your sentences short and keep your sentences concise. People will remember your message. Don’t ramble. Don’t have really long sentences. Don’t put in a lot of ohms and ahhs. Take your time. Short sentences it’ll work. Your presentation needs an ending. Make sure you have an ending. The audience needs to know when to stand up and cheer and clap and applaud. If you’re going to have questions, save them till after your ending but make sure your presentation has an ending.

The following is an related article. Enjoy!

Powerpoint Presentations Are Great, But Are You Engaging Your Audience?

Getting an audience interested in your presentation is a challenge. No matter the technology used, whether it’s a PowerPoint, whiteboard, graphs, or other visual aids, it’s your delivery, preparation, or lack of it that will impinge on your performance.

The Buzz Is In The Telling
If you’ve been to a lot of seminars or webinars, you can count in your one hand the few which stood out. Ask yourself what you liked about those gigs. Probably these are the highlights:

1. Good presentation material.
2. Good reporting.
3. Great speakers.
4. Lively participants.

On hindsight, you’ll realize that what made the activity outstanding was your active participation in almost all activities. You asked a lot of questions and were satisfied with the answers, and you probably liked what you saw in almost all the PowerPoint presentations.

But it’s not actually the PowerPoint presentations that were interesting, it was what you understood. You learned something from the discussion, while PowerPoint only served as a visual aid. You were an active participant like the others. Nobody was ready to rush to the door. People wanted to know more and discuss more.

You got the point that the successful presentation was in the manner of showing the ideas and talking about them. The approach was able to draw out or engage the participants. Some of them remember the discussion and not the PowerPoint presentations at all.

Repetition and Anecdotes Count

You’ve observed that the speaker made the participants at ease. He didn’t have to crack lousy jokes. Simply asking how the people were feeling or if they were ready for the next round of discussion stirred people to action.

The speaker (already introduced) starts by telling the audience what he is going to discuss. During his discussion, he guides the audience by telling them that he is now ready to launch on the second or third or last part of his presentation. All the while, he invites people to ask questions.

He repeats what he has said as if driving the idea and embedding it into their minds. He does not only tell, but shows how things are done. To find out if people are on his wavelength, he asks questions, not only to test their comprehension, but to gauge the level of the audience interest as well. He is following the outlined course of his discussion, but makes sure that before launching the next step, his audience learned something.

He injected stories and parables to his repertoire, or provided analogies. These are subtle techniques used to repeat his theme and objective. At this extent, he has already grasped the group dynamics and responded accordingly.

Make Your Report Dynamic
It does not mean you don’t have to spruce up your PowerPoint presentations. Don’t make the mistake of cramming all the content in your slides. Your slide should serve as a clue to what you are going to elaborate. Remember the guy who read his slides without making eye contact with the audience? He was a bore.

Make an outline of your PowerPoint presentations while never losing sight of your objective. Guided by your plan and your thorough preparation (even a dry run to get an estimate of how long you’re going to present your ideas), you can be confident to engage your audience.

Practice Makes Natural.
Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


How to Create an Effective Business Presentation?

Tips on Creating an Effective Business Presentation

Even as a seasoned executive and a confident speaker, sometimes you might struggle to keep the audience’s attention. Why?

One of the common problems is that you might have not thought enough about shaping the content to suit the needs of your audience.


Here are five steps to creating a great audience centered presentation:

  1. Find a story to tell.
  2. Draw your listeners in quickly.
  3. Explain the threat.
  4. Outline the solution.
  5. Give them an action step.

For details, please view the following YouTube video:

Practice is the key to helping you improve on your presentation skills.  Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Powerpoint Presentation Tips

These days, powerpoint slides are very common for business or sales presentations.

How to conduct effective powerpoint shows?

Here are some powerpoint presentation tips as stated in the Toastmaster International website:

“Keep your visual aids:

  • Visible
  • Simple
  • Colorful, but don’t let them upstage you
  • Justified by the content — not too many or too few slides

For effective PowerPoint shows:

  • Don’t read the slides to your audience!
  • Make your text large.
  • Choose colors that make the text easier to read.
  • Use bullet points instead of full sentences.
  • Don’t let the text or graphics fly around too much.
  • Avoid charts and diagrams that are hard to see.

Most Importantly – Remember, you control the presentation; don’t let it control you. PowerPoint should be a “visual aid” – not the entire show.”

In the Basic Competent Communication Manual by the Toastmaster International , there is a project helping you to “Get Comfortable with Visuals Aids”.

Just join a toastmaster club and learn how to conduct effective powerpoint presentations.


Club President 2007-2008
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club
“Helping You To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak With Confidence!”
Blog: https://blog.public-speaking-singapore.com
