Tag Archives: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

8 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Don’t you want to overcome your fear of public speaking?

Check out the below video for learning how to speak confidently in public.


Speaking in public is said to be one of mankind’s greatest fear. A fear of public speaking can occur in any environment and can impact us all.

Here is the list of the best tips to help you overcome your fear of public speaking.

Step 1: Time Perfect
Make sure that the speech delivered is appropriately timed .
Don’t overuse or under use the allocated time.

Step 2: Start Strong
The first 10 seconds of the speech will be how the audience judges you.
Start with a fact and something to make them laugh. This makes you relatable and genuine.

Step 3: Practice, Practice and Practice
Make sure you know the concept and core themes of your speech before you deliver it.

Step 4: Make Eye Contact
A good public speaker is some who is good at practicing for eye contact. The audience love to feel empowered and engaged with the speaker. Giving them eye contact achieves just that. Make sure to spread the eye contact amongst the audience.

Step 5: Body Language
Positive body language can enhance your presentation in ways words can’t.

Body language accounts for over 50% of your communication so use it effectively.

Step 6: Use Gestures
A good public speaker uses their natural gestural vocabulary as well as their words.

This means to use your hands to gesture whilst you present.

Step 7: Organize Your Speech Logically
Just like a good story a good speech also has logic and structure.

A simple three-part concept introduction middle and conclusion with a split of 20 60 20 is the norm.

Step 8: Connect With The Audience
Public speaking is about engaging with the audience and making it interesting for them to learn and understand. This can be accomplished through storytelling and advice.

Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
