Tag Archives: Outstanding Area Governor

Division U Outstanding Area Governor 2012/2013

Division U Outstanding Area Governor 2012/2013

“Let us congratulate our Area Governor, Ramana Boyani on achieving Outstanding Area Governor award. This is to appreciate his efforts in making sure every club of Area U4 challenged their potential and achieved more goals than they have set for themselves. We are lucky to be the home club of such an altruistic and motivating leader!”
– Geetha  (Club President 2012-2013)


“Hard work well recognized in my Toastmasters journey. I have been selected as an Outstanding Area Governor of the Division at our Division U Achievers Day today. This trophy is dedicated to all my fellow Toastmasters who were with me along this journey.”
– Ramana Boyani  (Division U Area U4 Governor 2012-2013)


Please join us to congratulate Ramana!

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