Tag Archives: kampong ubi community centre

Public Speaking Tips: How to Engage Your Audience

How to Engage Your Audience?

What is the best way to engage an audience?  Check out the below article.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

Public Speaking Skills

By Praveen Suryachandra

Executive speech coach and award-winning speaker Patricia Fripp was recently asked, “What is the best way to engage an audience?” This is the advice she gave the attendee at her San Francisco Speaking school:

“The best way to engage an audience is to be prepared, personable, polished, practical, and profound.”


Know who you are speaking to: why are they there; what part of the agenda; what is the purpose of the meeting and expected outcomes of your contribution?

Is there a theme for the meeting?

What is the state of their industry?

What is the organization proud of?

What are their challenges?

What is a typical day in the life of the audience members?

Ahead of time, can you interview a few people who will be in the audience and find ‘sound bite’ quotes? Continue reading


Public Speaking Tips: Handling Bad Experience on Public Speaking

Public Speaking Tips: Handling Bad Experience on Public Speaking

“When it comes to public speaking it’s so easy to let one horrific experience become our permanent benchmark against which to measure ourselves from then on. With the die firmly cast, this negative mindset of just how helpless we are at speaking before groups becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Hey, we all have a bad experience now and then, but we tend to learn what ‘not to do’ next time. This insightful article will show you how to build on your speaking experiences in a positive way – be they good or bad…”

How to tackle your bad experience on public speaking?  Check out the below article.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.



Public Speaking: Don’t Let a Bad Experience Define Your Speaking Potential!
By Laurie Smale

When it comes to public speaking, there are defining misfortunes that can haunt us for years. These disasters can literally define who we are as a speaker and set up ingrained habit patterns of speaking failure that become a self-fulfilling prophesy for years. Every time we feel threatened with a similar situation this defining experience creeps into our consciousness to remind us of the trauma that lies ahead and just how hopeless we are.

*Graham Skinner had always felt uneasy reading aloud in Primary school. In fact he managed to avoid doing anything in front of people right up to year ten, but this particular day there was no getting out of it. He had to deliver a talk on an article from the newspaper. “Skinner you’re next week’s speaker” he heard the teacher say. Absolute panic took hold of him. The mere thought of having to stand in front of the whole school at assembly terrified him. He told me that each night after that he’d lie awake in a cold sweat hoping it would just go away.

The night before his talk he realised he could avoid it no more. He sat down at the kitchen table and picked the smallest snippet he could find in the newspaper, stared long and hard at it, then put it in his pocket. This was the extent of his preparation. Continue reading


Public Speaking Tips: How to Be a Good Public Speaker

Public Speaking Tips : How to Be a Good Public Speaker

When someone asks you to deliver a speech, what’s your initial reaction? If you are like most other people, it’s sheer terror! But this is quite unfortunate. For with a little bit of training and motivation, anyone can become a good public speaker.”  Check out the below article ” Public Speaking Tips – How to Be a Good Public Speaker “.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.
You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Public Speaking Tips – How to Be a Good Public Speaker
By Kajol Shafiq

When someone asks you to deliver a speech, what’s your initial reaction? If you are like most other people, it’s sheer terror! But this is quite unfortunate. For public speaking does not necessarily involve talking to a large audience. There are millions of people all over the world who don’t aspire greatness in the podium. Instead, as office managers, or team leaders, they are required to talk to a small group of people. But even that small task can send shivers down the spine of most group leaders. But the good thing is that anyone, with a little bit of training and motivation, can become a good public speaker. Truly, if you want to succeed as an effective public speaker, you will have to learn and adopt certain public -speaking strategies. Here are a few public speaking tips to make you shine in the podium.

1) Pick the right subject.You must choose a topic you are familiar with and which you have strong feelings. It is really disastrous to talk on something which is not your domain and you are very likely to make an ass of yourself if you do that. However, if you tread on known grounds, you will feel comfortable and confident to talk about your subject.

2) Organize your points thoughtfully and logically. Your talk must have a beginning–a brief introduction on what you are going to say; a middle where you elaborate on your topic; and an ending that summarizes on what you have just said.

3) Rehearse your speech in private. After you have planned your presentation, it is time to practise delivering it. Better if you do it alone. Remember, you are not initiating a discussion here. You will have to talk alone and logically present what you would like to say. Hence, you would do well to practise in front of the mirror like a seasoned actor. Be positive and try to “see” and “hear” the positive feedback you are going to get when you have them under your sway. Continue reading
