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How To Make a Speech Like a Pro

Public Speaking Tips: How To Make a Speech Like a Pro

effective public speakingIf you are expected to make a speech or give a talk, check out the below article for 8 simple tips that will help things go smoothly. 1. Practice in front of a video camera or mirror, and rehearse enough times to feel confident…

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Public Speaking Tips – Make a Speech Like a Pro
By Judy Camp

Public speaking can be a scary thing the first few times you try it, but people who speak often have a few tricks that help improve their performance. If you are expected to make a speech or give a talk, here are eight simple tips that will help things go smoothly.

1. Practice in front of a video camera or mirror, and rehearse enough times to feel confident, without saying “um”. In between rehearsing, take a moment to close your eyes and visualize your audience smiling and enjoying your talk. Visualization might seem strange, but it has been proven that positive visualizing beforehand will create a positive experience.

2. Know the material well. The key to public speaking is not just to memorize enough for the presentation, but to really know it well enough to explain it without making a speech. That will make you much more comfortable and confident during your speech. Search out various sources of information, from different points of view, which might make your speech more colorful.

3. Think about your audience, and why they need the information, and where they are coming from. Figure out what they will find most interesting. Tailor your speech depending on the audience’s background, age, nationality and other demographics and psychographics.

4. Back up your points with solid facts. Don’t make accusations or speculate on points you cannot back up. If you do, and your audience does not agree with you, they will often stop listening entirely.

5. Create an outline and follow it. Your audience should not have a hard time following your thoughts or taking notes. Be clear when stating an idea about whether it is a main point or a subtopic.

6. Use visual aids, but keep them to a minimum. A simple slide show indicating the outline of your speech can help the audience follow along. But do not try to put everything into the visual aid, or it will be distracting.

7. Try to get comfortable with the setting. Take a look at the room in advance, if possible, and picture yourself giving your talk there. Relaxing is an important part of public speaking.

8. Perform deep breathing just before your speech, which will relax your body. If you can find a good place to do it, do some stretching exercises with your arms, head and shoulders.

By following these steps, you can remain confident during your speech.

Judy Camp is a writer for SolutionOriented.com, specializing in articles which offer business and career solutions for the small business owner or manager.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_Camp

