Tag Archives: commitment

Opening Address – Commitment

Opening Address –  Commitment

Good Evening!
Fellow Toastmasters and Friends!
Welcome to our  Toastmasters Club!

Do you remember Edward used the word “commitment” as the word of the day at the last chapter meeting?  The word “commitment” means “something that you have promised you will do or that you have to do.”

Do you sometimes find that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, nothing really changes?  Whether it’s losing weight, earning more money, breaking a bad habit or improving your social life?

Quite often you think it’s the right time to make the change. You make another New Year Resolution.  For instance, you want to lose weight and so you join the gym and buy the latest diet book. You know that’s good for you. But a few days later you may slip right back to square one again!

What’s wrong? It’s because we have missed out a vital step in the process. We are not committed to making the change. We are not willing to give our time and our energy to do something that we believe in.

Commitment helps us sustain the decision to make changes in our life. Continue reading
