Tag Archives: Better Presentations

Public Speaking Tips for Better Presentations

Public Speaking Tips for Better Presentations

Do you want to be a better public speaker this year?
Follow the 10 step plan to build presentation self-confidence and reduce anxiety when speaking in public.

If you want to overcome stage fright and learn to speak with confidence, join a toastmasters club.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

New Year’s Resolution – 10 Steps to Prepare Better Presentations
By Andrew Ivey

New Year. New Year’s resolution. Like most things that are worthwhile it’s true that when we invest solid preparation in an important presentation we achieve a better result. I have never doubted it — but some times I have definitely been better prepared than on other occasions. So, in common with most people I have decided on a New Year’s resolution this January — be better prepared for my business presentations.

But this time, since my previous New Year’s resolutions rarely lasted much beyond February, I have noted down the key elements of better preparation. This simple check list should ensure that I am both better prepared for my presentations and less apprehensive about the output. It is equally true that sound preparation results in higher self-confidence and lower anxiety when speaking in public. Now that’s a bonus objective.

  • Write it down. Be prepared to write or type the whole of the presentation in full. Check over the length of the sentences and abbreviate where necessary.
  • Organize it. Aim to type the presentation in a standard lower case style using double line spacing. Use capitals at the start of a sentence or to emphasize certain words or phrases only. Begin each sentence on a new line. This will be important if you are to read the presentation from this script. Remember to select a typeface that you can read easily.
  • Mark it up. Word process the presentation with the appropriate mood advice, intonation markings and advice for extra emphasis. These pointers are for you — they should not feature in any scripts that you give to the organizer, the audience or the Press.
  • Read it. Read the presentation fully all the way through. Repeat this procedure several times becoming more and more familiar with the words and phrases. Where any particular words or sentences don’t work then mark these up for subsequent editing. This is the best time to ensure that all the words sound right and you are not to be caught out by tricky pronunciation. Continue reading