Story Telling
Public speakers like to tell stories as part of their presentation. Why?
People love to hear stories. A well told story will capture listeners’ attention.
Tell a story. Make a point.
Stories Sell…
Patricia Fripp is an award-winning speaker.
Check out her below video about “Stories Sell”.
Here is the transcript the the speech:
“No speech is going to be memorable unless it’s full of really fascinating stories. Listen to the secret formulas behind them.
I want you to upgrade the caliber of your stories. When you are talking to people, practice telling the stories. The secret is they need to have what I call the Hollywood model: character dialogue and dramatic lesson learned which is of course doing business with you is the best way to plan your vacations.
But whenever you are telling a story to a prospect, make sure it is populated with flesh and blood characters. Just like the people you were talking to. Because what I’ve been doing today I’ve been telling stories. They have a point that they tell a story. People don’t remember what you say. People remember the story and the picture that is created in their minds while they listen to you.
Robert McKee the screenwriter said stories of the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful clearer more meaningful experience. And given the choice of a trivial story well told or a brilliant story badly told, an audience of one or 1,000 would rather hear a trivial story well told. Stories are the currency of human contact. Encourage your happy satisfied clients not only tell you the story that you can repeat but to tell all their friends. This is the point. People will resist a sales presentation, but nobody can resist a good story well told.”
The toastmasters program has an advanced manual called “Story Telling”.
“The manual enables you to develop a new set of speaking skills. It allows you to have fun as you learn the art of storytelling. Join a toastmasters club!
Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environments. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
This was a very informative blog. Thank you for posting this!