Public Speaking Tips on Visualizing Success

Public Speaking Tips on Visualizing Success

good presentationsFear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears of people all over the world. Visualize success before giving a speech with tips from a communications specialist in this free public speaking video.

The Proven Strategy of Visualizing Success for Managing Fear of Public Speaking

Visualize yourself delivering a great presentation. Think of every detail.

  • Visualize yourself walking up before your group standing tall, walking deliberately and looking confident.
  • Visualize yourself looking at the audience, taking a pause for a full breath.
  • Visualize yourself delivering a strong and confident introduction of yourself and topic.
  • Visualize yourself delivering your information with fluency and engaging intonation patterns.
  • Visualize the audience enjoying your presentation. See the interest and enjoyment in their faces.
  • Visualize answering questions with confidence.
  • Visualize a strong closing.
  • Visualize applause.
  • Visualize people or your boss approaching you and saying how well the presentation went.
  • Visualize yourself looking pleased and proud of your delivery.

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