How To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills?

Do you want to speak better in public?

Check out the below videos presented by Conor Neill on step-by-step tips and techniques for improving your public speaking skills.

3 Steps to Write Your Speech

The 3 step approach to prepare your speech as stated in the above video are:

  1.  Audience
    Spend some tome to think about the audience. Why are you speaking about the subject and for the audience? What does the audience know about the subject?
  2. Objective
    Define my objective in a single sentence. What is it that you want the audience to do after listening to your speech? Do you want them to take an action? Do you want them to feel emotion?  Do you want them to just think differently about something?
  3. Message
    Every presentation is always about the audience.  What is your key message? Try to write down your entire presentation in one or two sentences.

4 Steps To Speak Better

Jim Rohn always said that it takes 4 simple steps to becoming a great speaker:

  1. Have something to say
  2. Say it well
  3. Read your audience
  4. Intensity (the right words mixed with measured emotion)

Practice is the key to helping you improve in your public speaking skills and techniques.  Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your speeches.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
