Author Archives: YY

Public Speaking Tips for Students

Public Speaking Tips for Students and all…

public speaking fearA lot of students fear speaking in public. They are stressed by the idea of speaking in public. The good news is, there are some simple points you could do to relax your nerves just before a public speaking that will assist minimize the stress and develop your self-confidence.

1. Keep it Simple.  Use clear, straightforward language, and make sure your key points are concise.
2. Time your presentation.
3.  Practice with friends who know little about the subject.
4.  Make sure your vocal cords are working.
5.  Breathe. Public speaking experts all agree that breathing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relax your body.

For details about the article 6 Tips to Claim Your Public Speaking Jitters, click here.

Check out the below youtube video “Public Speaking – How To” which was created for a non-profit youth organization and targeted at helping high school students understand the importance of good speaking skills.

Be prepared, be confident, and be yourself when you speak.

Here is another video “Public Speaking Tips for College Students”.

Click here to check out Communication Skills Workshop by Kwong Yue Yang too. The workshop was conducted for secondary school students, I think you should get some really good public speaking tips from it.

Hope you enjoy watching the videos. Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Common Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes

Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Speakers Should Avoid…

Fear of public speaking

How come sometimes intelligent, business-savvy top executives end up boring their audiences? It is because they fail to recognize that public speaking is an acquired skill. But giving a short presentation before the right group of people may do more good for your career than spending a year behind a desk.

Here are the 10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes as mentioned in an article in the Toastmaster magazine written by Rob Sherman:

  1. Starting with a whimper.
  2. Attempting to imitate other speakers.
  3. Failing to “work” the room.
  4. Failing to use relaxation techniques.
  5. Reading a speech word for word.
  6. Using someone else’s stories.
  7. Speaking without passion.
  8. Ending a speech with questions and answers.
  9. Failing to prepare.
  10. Failing to recognize that speaking is an acquired skill.

For details, please click here.

The following is a video about the Biggest Mistakes Public Speakers Make! 

Here are the
Quick Do’s and Don’ts of Public Speaking as mentioned in the above video:

  • Remember to always be yourself.
  • Be polished and well-rehearsed.
  • Don’t use slides with too much information
  • Say something that they haven’t heard before.

Do you suffer from the fear of public speaking? Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. Join a toastmaster club and learn how to speak in public.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you live in Singapore.



Lessons Learned from the 2022 World Championship of Public Speaking, Cyril Junior Dim
(Main Content Replay for 4 Sept 2022 online event).
– What You Can Learn From It?
– What is Next for YOU?


We at Kampong Ubi believe the last few years have seen changes from video speech submission, and strictly online contesting to hybrid contesting & judging this year.
Let us be wowed not only by the Champions but let us champion the need to keep up with the ongoing changes all around us – from rules, and techniques to technology & trends.

Do come & let us learn together!

Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club

Related Recent Post :
Highlights of World Champions of Public Speaking 2022

Practice is the key to helping you improve your communication and presentation skills. Join Toastmasters and find a club where you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


Highlights of World Champions of Public Speaking 2022

Here are the Results of the World Champions of Public Speaking 2022:   winners-trophy

Congratulations to Cyril Junior Dim, District 108, on becoming the 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking.

Congratulations to Alexandre Matte, District 123, on finishing in second place.    Congratulations to Mas Mahathir Bin Mohamad, District 51, on finishing in third place for his speech.

2022 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking: Cyril Junior Dim


The 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking Shares the Makings of His Story

Alexandre Matte: 2nd place winner, 2022 World Championship of Public Speaking

Mas Mahathir Bin Mohamad: 3rd place winner, 2022 World Championship of Public Speaking

Practice is the key to helping you improve your communication and presentation skills. Join Toastmasters and find a club where you like to practise your speeches in a friendly environment.  You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.

Toastmasters clubs around the world serve as the starting point for the World Championship of Public Speaking. Participants then move on to competitions at the area, division, district, and regional levels. The semifinals are comprised of the top two finishers from each region-level tournament. The eight finalists will be chosen at the semifinals by an experienced, knowledgeable panel of Toastmasters.  There will be five to seven minutes for each speaker.

This competition represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many amateur speakers.
Previous winners have leveraged this recognition to establish themselves as well-known paid speakers, giving keynotes and talks worldwide.

World Champions of Public Speaking Winning Speeches Playlist


How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking?

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking?

public speaking fearHave you ever stood in front of an audience and felt so nervous that you couldn’t remember what you wanted to say?
Are you afraid of the unknown?
How to overcome your fear of public speaking?

The following video is part of a series of Toastmasters’ time-tested tips which will help you learn how to recognize and manage the fears associated with public speaking.

Here is the summary of what has been covered in the video:

First, pinpoint those emotional triggers that cause fear to escalate. Then identify the physical symptoms produced by anxiety. And finally, review techniques to help you manage your fear.

What causes anxiety?

  • The unknown
  • Failing
  • The audience’s opinion

Physical Symptoms

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Queasy stomach
  • Sweating and dry mouth

Managing Fear

  • Practice
  • Visualize a great speech
  • Have a beverage handy
  • Relax
  • Take slow, deep breaths
  • Stretch before you speak

Incorporate the tips and the techniques above and in no time you will be amazed at how quickly you will be able to convert nervous energy into positive energy and successfully manage your fear.

Practice is the key to helping you improve in public speaking. Join a toastmaster club and learn how to manage your public speaking fear.

You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.


25 Public Speaking Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

25 Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

“Standing up in front of a roomful of people terrifies many people, even if those people are our own peers. 

public speaking fear

But resisting public speaking engagements can hold an entrepreneur back, since workshops, presentations, and pitches are the perfect way to network and land support for our efforts.”

Here are 25 great tips to help you improve your public speaking skills.

1. Take a Course
2. Join a Group like a Toastmasters Club
3. Practice
4. Prepare
5. Research Your Audience
6. Use Tools
7. Know Your Environment
8. Get Experience
9. Watch Others
10. Start with a Bang
11. Put the Audience to Work
12. Encourage Questions
13. Focus on the Audience
14. Dress to Impress
15. Avoid Filler Words
16. Focus on Individuals
17. Walk
18. Breathe
19. Use Prompts
20. Partner Up
21. Record Yourself
22. Ask for Feedback
23. Bring the Right Tools
24. Practice Articulation
25. Finish with a Call to Action

Did you know that 54% of adults ranked the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death?
Check out the below “How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking” video for more information.

Since 1924 Toastmasters International has helped more than four million people gain the confidence to communicate.  Join Toastmasters and find a club that you like to practise your public speaking skills. You are welcome to visit our Kampong Ubi Toastmasters Club if you are living in Singapore.
